15 February 2013

Five Word Friday: Week Seven

Growing up I always kept a journal. I had memory problems as a kid and it was the best way to remind myself of events that occurred.

Since I'd rather spend my time doing other things than devote and prioritize writing a daily record in a journal, I decided to summarize my day in only five words for 2013.

Every Friday, I'll post what I wrote down for Saturday through Friday.

Week Seven

Saturday, 9 February: Knocked out by a migraine

Sunday, 10 February: Sad that Ritual was cancelled

Monday, 11 February: Gotta get my mojo back 

Tuesday, 12 February: Hair dying, Condommania, German study

Wednesday, 13 February: Big sis/Little Sis matching

  Thursday, 14 February: Happy birthday Oregon and Arizona.

Friday, 15 February: My boyfriend's back!

How was your week?

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