I don't see much of a point in waiting until January first to start a resolution. I start right when I think about it, so by the time the first comes around, I'll already feel committed rather than obligated.
I also break my resolutions down into smaller goals.
You'll also notice numbers at the end of some of the goals. I am participating in the 101 in 1001 challenge and some of the goals could help me complete some of my 101 tasks.
My goals for 2013 are:
1) Finish writing the draft of a writing work in progress
Designate a day of the week to write for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Conduct thorough background research for my notes.
No editing while writing.
2) Establish a daily routine
3) Establish healthy habits (#18)
Elimintate meat from diet.
Exercise: bicycle commuting, yoga (#17), and cardio throughout the week. Strength training as desired.
Make an effort to sit and stand up straight. Work on relaxing shoulders to avoid backpain.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day by carrying waterbottle. (#31)
Follow the five ingredient rule.
Reduce pop intake.
Reduce sugar intake. (#35)
Make meals at home ahead of time.
Brush and floss twice a day.
4) Become as eco-friendly as possible
Invest in reusable goods (such as produce bags, handwarmers, sandwich bags, lunch boxes, teabags, swiffer pads, paper towels, bowl covers)
Only drive when absolutely necessary. (# 76)
Begin using homemade laundry detergent. (#50)
Use natural cleaning supplies (lemon juice, vinegar, water, baking soda) (#51)
5) Focus on savings
Pay bills immediately after getting paycheck.
Budget any extraneous profit and deposit budgeted money into savings.
Five dollar savings plan
30 day waiting list for any items desired. (#46)
Thrift shopping for any clothing purchases needed, if can't be found online for under $10 (excludes intimates).
[Edited 01.01.2012] I hadn't quite pinned down how I wanted to tackle my language progression this year. So it wasn't included in the original post.
6) Maintain languages (ASL, French, German, & Spanish) (#6 #61)
Use the Radio Lingua Network as a lesson guide for subject vocabulary for French, German & Spanish
Personal study of grammar as a supplement to vocabulary
Bill Vicars ASLU as a guide to maintain ASL
Google+ Communities & Language Practice Hang Outs to get in some "face to face" practice.
Use the Pomodoro Technique to prevent burn out
What are your New Year's resolutions??